JLN Associates, LLC

We are Top Rung Inspection & Testing


We are Top Rung, Inspection & Testing
We take care of our emergency responders.


NFPA 1962 2013 regulates the procedures for testing fire hose, and at Top Rung we make sure that we are up to date on all regulations regarding these procedures.


ENSURES COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 1911 2012 – Utilizing our state-of-the-art Top Rung Draft Commander.

You test your pumps for the confidence in knowing that the apparatus is fully functional and prepared to work when needed. Additionally, a centrifugal fire pump is a mechanical device, like your car. The very moment it is put into service it is being worn out. By testing your apparatus annually,you have the ability of predicting your maintenance budget requirements 2 to 3 YEARS IN ADVANCE!


Annual requirement of NFPA 1932 2010, Ground Ladder Testing.
The ladders are put through a hands-on inspection to ensure the ground ladder is safe for operation.


If your fire apparatus is equipped with an aerial device, the aerial device shall be inspected and tested as required by NFPA 1911. Top Rung will perform a thorough test and inspection of your aerial device from the top rung to the chassis.


Annually, all foam systems shall be thoroughly inspected and checked for proper operation in accordance with NFPA 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Emergency Vehicles,2017 Edition, Chapters 23 & 24. The inspection shall include performance evaluation of the foam concentrate or premix solution quality or both. The goal of this inspection and testing shall be to ensure that the system is in full operating condition and that it remains in that condition until the next inspection.

CAF Systems are also tested in accordance with NFPA 1911.

Doug Cline, ISFSI
Our Team


Top Rung Inspection and Testing is a division of JLN Associates, which gives the company a foundation in safety. Top Rung is a proud, American company, providing fire departments across the North East with quality ground & aerial ladder testing, hose testing and pump testing within one appointment. Our one-stop-shop approach reduces the amount of necessary time a fire department is out of service due to annual NFPA required testing. We are made up of a team of skilled, knowledgeable fire service members and safety specialists. Our unique skills and dedication to the industry allow us to provide exceptional service and an understanding unlike another company. We want to help your department stay safe while protecting and serving.


Each completed project makes us more ready for the next. We aim to take care of those that care for our communities, with minimal time out-of-service. As a result, we deliver a more efficient service.


ft of Hose Tested


Departments Worked With


Ladders Failed


Hours Saved

Our Team


As a branch of JLN Associates, our quality standards in terms of service, knowledge and technical expertise, are enhanced by our foundation in safety.



Fire hose testing includes:
– Removal of fire hose from apparatus or storage.
– Labeling and recording of all information for each length of hose.
– Inspection of all fire hose, nozzles, couplings and appliances in accordance with NFPA standards.
– Rolling and repacking of fire hose in the same place and manner as it was removed or as you would prefer.

The 2013 edition of NFPA 1962, Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose Appliances can be found here: NFPA.



Our ladder testing equipment and procedures are certified to meet the current NFPA-1932 requirements for ANNUAL ladder testing.
Testing includes:
– Visual inspection
– Hardness tester
– Horizontal bending test equipment per NFPA-1932,5-2
– Verification of heat sensor expiration dates
– Documentation provided with each test

NFPA-1932 provides the following frequency of ground ladder testing
– at least annually
– any time ladder is suspected of being unsafe
– after ladder is subjected to over loading or impact loading
– after heat exposure
– after any deficiencies have been repaired unless only repair was replacement of the lanyard

Annual inspections and test program uncovers many defects before they become major problems resulting in better safety and lower maintenance costs.

Thorough documentation with a final report is provided with every ladder test.


Performance testing of fire pumps, once commonly referred to as service testing, is a basic requirement under National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus, that is in place to help ensure the heart of your fire truck, the fire pump, performs as designed so it can be reasonably expected to pump rated capacity every time it’s needed during an emergency on the fireground.
It is a yearly requirement and also required after major pump system repairs have been done. As most know and will appreciate, a fire scene is not the place to find out that your rig’s most important component will not deliver rated capacity or pressure when it is needed the most.

It is important to keep in mind that although performance testing can be done from a hydrant, it is easier to validate or confirm actual pump performance from draft, like our Top Rung Draft Commander. NFPA 1911 recommends the drafting method of testing for this reason. Refer to NFPA 1911 annex (A.18.3.2) for more information about this.


Annually, all foam systems shall be thoroughly inspected and checked for proper operation in accordance with NFPA 1911, Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Emergency Vehicles,2017 Edition, Chapters 23 & 24. The inspection shall include performance evaluation of the foam concentrate or premix solution quality or both. The goal of this inspection and testing shall be to ensure that the system is in full operating condition and that it remains in that condition until the next inspection.

CAF Systems are also tested in accordance with NFPA 1911.



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about any of our products or services.